English Chinese (Simplified)
Total Flows 最大流量:
Bytes Exchanged 字节交换
Packets Examined Packets Bar
Plugin -> Flow Viewer 插件 - >流程查看器
Plugin -> Flow Admin 插件 - > Flow Admin
Please rename either your config.php.dist or config_local.php.dist files in the flowview directory, and change setup your database before installing. 请重命名 flowview 目录中的 config.php.dist 或 config_local.php.dist 文件,并在安装之前更改数据库设置。
Please be advised the Flowview plugins Tables are being upgraded in the background. This may take some time. Check the Cacti log for more information 请注意,Flowview 插件表正在后台进行升级。 这可能需要一些时间。检查仙人掌日志以获取更多信息
The Filter has been Deleted 过滤器已被删除
The Filter has been Updated 过滤器已更新
Import/Export 导入/导出
FlowView FlowView
Databases 数据库
Normal User 普通用户
System Administration 系统管理
Flow Viewer 流量查看器
Dashboard 仪表盘
(save) (保存)
(edit) (编辑)
(actions) (动作)
Name Resolution 分辨率