English Portuguese (Brazil)
Flow Template ID ID do Template
The Flow Template ID for v9 and IPFIX Flows only. Note that Template ID's may differ from manufacturer to manufacturer.
Stream IP Address Endereço IP
The Streams IP Address from the list of registered streams.
Unable to Delete Flow Filter '%s' as its in use in a Scheduled Report.
Flow Filter '%s' Deleted. O filtro foi eliminado
The IP Protocol to use for this listener. O ouvinte a ser usado para o filtro.
TCP Protocol Protocolo IP
UDP Protocol Protocolo IP
No Flow Template was found for Device ID:%s and Template ID:%s
Save Successful. The Flowview Listener has been saved, and the service restarted.
Save Successful. The Flowview Listener has been saved. However, the service flow-capture is not running.
Version Versão
Ex Addr
Export Relatório
Stream Versions Versão
The Traffic Flow versions being observed.
DNS Cache has been purged. It will refill as records come in.
Click 'Continue' to delete the following DNS Cache Entriy. Clique em 'Continuar' para eliminar o(s) seguinte(s) horário(s).