Hostname Resolution
The method by which you wish to resolve hostnames.
Use Local Server
Use DNS Servers under Mail/Reporting/DNS
Don't Resolve DNS
Local Domain Name
For IPv4 addresses on the local network that do not resolve locally, append this suffix to the resultant ip address.
Local IP Range
Provide the IPv4 ip address range for your local network for hosts that may not be registered in DNS. These hosts will be mapped to the Local Domain Name above. This more for home users. You can use either CIDR or non-CIDR formats. For examle: or
Use CIDR or Non-CIDR
Use Arin to find Domains and AS Numbers
Many Big Tech data collection services like to mask their ownership of domains to obfuscate the fact that they are collecting your personal information. If you are concerned with this and your Cacti install has access to the Internet, you can use Arin to remove the mask from those Big Tech companies.
Whois Provider Host
Please provide the hostname for resolving whois calls. If not null, you must have the whois binary in your system path.
Whois Binary Path
Please provide the pathname for the 'whois' binary. The 'whois' binary will be used to find AS information supplementing Arin.
Enter binary path
Data Retention and Report Generation
Data Retention Policy