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How should Cacti support Client Dates based upon the Client browsers timezone.
Show only locations that are available at a devices selected site.
By default Cacti page help is located at docs.cacti.net. However, if your system does not have access to the Internet, you may download the documentation locally in HTML format and host it in the 'docs' location of you Cacti server. If you choose only to leverage the local location for page help documentation, check this checkbox.
When using multiple Data Collectors, there are the Settings for Communicating between Data Collectors
The TCP Port used for communicating with the Remote Data Collectors. The protocol will match the Central Cacti web server (either HTTP or HTTPS). Leave blank to use the default ports.
Force Serial Automation Scans
When enabled, Cacti Automation will scan one network at a time not in Parallel. This setting can be useful when your Cacti Web Servers have limited cores for performing Automation checks.
. This is limited by the php setting 'max_input_vars', currently:
The number of milliseconds to wait before initiating a call to the server for autocomplete. Any value less than 500 will assume 500ms
Start of Business Day
The time your business hours start. Format: hh:mm
End of Business Day
The time your business hours end. Format: hh:mm
Only show business hours during weekdays.
Show business hours
Display business hours on rrd graphs.
Color to use for business hours
The color to be shown for business hours
After this number of days, the business hours will not be added to the graph. <br/>Recommended: 62 days
Refresh Poller Table Per Cycle