Fetch Latest Plugin Archives
Drag and Drop
The action '%s' on Plugin '%s' can not be performed due to the Plugin in it's current state.
The action '%s' '%s' on Plugin '%s' can not be taken as the Plugin is integrated.
The fetch latest plugins process has been launched into background.
The fetch latest plugins process has already been started.
Plugin '%s' has passed it's Configuration Check test and can not be Installed
Plugin '%s' Check Configuration function returned a null response which is invalid. Please check with Plugin Developer for an update.
Loaded on Disk
Check Latest
Fetch the list of the latest Cacti Plugins
Main / Remote Status
The Status of this available Plugin. Loadable means it is currently not installed and can be loaded.
The Cacti Releases that are eligible to use this Plugin. The format of the allowed versions follows common naming.
Load this Plugin from available Cacti Plugins
Load this Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Upgrade this Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Downgrade this Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins
Replace Plugin from the available Cacti Plugins