English Portuguese (Brazil)
Disable Automatic Full Sync on Upgrade
By default, upon upgrading the Main Cacti system, it will perform a Full Sync to all Data Collectors. This process may be time consuming. Therefore, to allow upgrades to be completed quicker, we provide this option. Note that if this is disabled, the Cacti administrator must force this process from the Data Collectors interface after upgrade.
Periodic All Device Re-Index
At what frequency do you wish to Re-Index all Devices. This Re-Index will occur at midnight at the frequency that you select.
Weekly on Sunday
The number of concurrent Poller Command processes. The will be at most one concurrent command per host within the Poller Command pool.
1h count warning threshold
When this count of guarded ratio (below) is reached in one hour, warning will be written to log and email will be send. 0 = disable.
1 hour guarded poller ratio run/max
Define guarded ratio poller run/max time (in percent).
24 hours guarded poller ratio run/max
Define guarded average ratio poller run/max time (in percent). When it is reached, warning will be written to log and email will be send. 0 = disable
Spine Specific Execution Parameters
How long the Two Factor Auth token lasts before being rechecked up to a max of 1 week
Pwned Checks (Online)
Check password against haveibeenpwned.com
Block use of a password once it reaches this reported usage level
Data Source Statistics can use a legacy method where it will determine peak and average values, or an advanced mode which will calculated several additional statistical values in addition to peak and average. Using All Statistical Metrics can place additional CPU and IO load on the system.
Peak/Average Only
Calculate Peaks Stats in Addition to Average Stats