One or more fields failed validation
WARNING: PollerID:%s has an invalid hostname:%s. Is it not reachable via DNS!
Failed to Contact Remote Agent %s Reason: %s. See Cacti Log for details.
WARNING: Key Cacti Include File "%s" missing. Please locate and replace this file as we checked in "%s"
When exporting or showing the values while hovering over the Graph, what legend to you want displayed? If empty, it will default to data_source_name (consolidation function). This does not work for some Cacti items such as TOTAL_ALL_DATA_SOURCES for example.
Absolute Max Value
Absolute Maximum
Dry Run Absolute Maximum
Zoom Window Out of Range
Zoom Dates before January 1, 1993 are not supported in Cacti! Pick a more recent date.
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Attempted SQL Injection
There was a SQL Injection attempted on the page
A client attempted to create a SQL Injection into Cacti likely from an external host with the address %s
Cacti regular expressions are limited to 50 characters only for security reasons.