English Portuguese (Brazil)
%d day
Changing Permission Model Warning
Changing Permission Model will alter a users effective Graph permissions.
After you change the Graph Permission Model you should audit your Users and User Groups Effective Graph permission to ensure that you still have adequate control of your Graphs. NOTE: If you want to restrict all Graphs at the Device or Graph Template Graph Permission Model, the default Graph Policy should be set to 'Deny'.
%0.2f GB
MySQL/MariaDB Memory Statistics (Source: MySQL Tuner)
Reduce MySQL/MariaDB Memory to less than 80% of System Memory. Preserve additional Cache Memory for RRDfiles if the Database is on the same system as the RRDfiles. See Core and Client Totals below for explanation of calculation method.
Reduce Total Core Memory
Calculation Formula
Max Connection Memory Possible
Reduce Total Client Memory
Worst 20 failed/total polls ratio
Failed/Total polls
The Template Import Succeeded.
See the cacti.log for more information, and review the XML file for proper syntax. The error details are shown below.<br><br><b>Errors:</b><br>%s
The Template XML file "%s" validation failed
Import Files [ If Files are missing, locate and install before using ]
Import Templates [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]