English Portuguese (Brazil)
See the cacti.log for more information. It could be that you had either an API Key error or the package was tamered with, or the location is not available.
The package "%s" download or validation failed
See the cacti.log for more information. It could be that you had either an API Key error or the package was tamered with, or the location is not available
The package download or validation failed
The XML files appears to be invalid. Please contact the package author
Check the package repository file for files that should exist and find the one that is missing
The XML files for the package does not exist
Import Package Filenames [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]
Import Package Templates [ None selected imports all, Check to import selectively ]
File Differences for:
The *.xml.gz file located on your Local machine to Upload and Import.
If checked, Cacti will automatically Trust the Signer for this and any future Packages by that author.
Replace Data Source and Graph Template Suggested Value Records. Graphs and Data Sources will take on new names after either a Data Query Reindex or by using the forced Replace Suggested Values process.
Main / Remote Status
WARNING: 24 hours Poller[%d] avg. run time is %f seconds (more than %d % of time limit)
WARNING: In last hour Poller[%d] run time %d times reached more than %d % of time limit
In Cases where you need to perform debugging for a single Data Collector Only, you can change it's log level here.
Provides a way to disable verification of the server's SSL certificate Common Name against the server's hostname when connecting. This verification is enabled by default.
RRD check is disabled, please enable in Configuration -> Settings -> Data