English Portuguese (Brazil)
Failed to verify token
There are problems with the Change Password page. Contact your Cacti administrator right away.
2FA QA Code
The 2FA QA Code to be scanned with Google Authenticator, Authy or any compatible 2FA app
2FA App Token
The token generated by Google Authenticator, Auth or any compatible 2FA app
Verify the 2FA App token entered above
Perform a Dry Run. Do not add Devices
Click 'Continue' to Change Network options for the following Network. Check the checkboxes to indicate that this setting should be changed.
Click 'Continue' to Change Network options for the following Networks. Check the checkboxes to indicate that this setting should be changed.
Enter valid comma separated list command of IP Addresses from this range to ignore.
Comma delimited list of IP Addresses to not scan
The Graph Rule has been added to the Device Rule
The Tree Rule has been added to the Device Rule
The Tree Rule has been removed from the Device Automation Rule
Represents the final desired Device description to be used in Cacti. The following replacement values can be used: |sysName|, |ipAddress|, |dnsName|, |dnsShortName|, |sysLocation|. The following functions can also be used: CONCAT(), SUBSTRING(), SUBSTRING_INDEX(). See the MySQL/MariaDB documentation for examples on how to use these functions. An example would be: CONCAT('|sysName|', SUBSTRING('|sysLocation|',1,3)). Take care to include quoting around the variables names when used in the supported MySQL/MariaDB function examples.