Restore Plugin from the archive
Upgrade Plugin from the archive
Compatible, Upgradable
No compatible, %s
Unable to Restore the archive due to Plugin Dependencies not being met.
Unable to Restore the archive due to a bad Cacti version.
Delete this Plugin archive
Unable to Install Plugin! %s
No se puede desinstalar. Este plugin es requerido por: %s
Plugin '%s' can not be archived before it's been Installed.
Plugin no puede ser instalado.
Remove Plugin Data Tables and Settings
Unable to Uninstall. This Plugin is required by: '%s'
No se puede desinstalar. Este plugin es requerido por: %s
Plugin already archived and is Unchanged in the archive.
archive the Plugin in its current state.
Check Plugins Configuration
Revisando configuración...<br>
A Plugin can not be archived when it has Configuration Issues.
Plugin already archived and Unchanged in the archive.
Archive the Plugin in its current state.
Plugin was Disabled due to a Plugin Error. Click to Re-enable the Plugin. Search for 'DISABLING' in the Cacti log to find the reason.
Enable Plugin Locally
Habilitar Plugin
WARNING: %s is out of sync with the Poller Interval for Poller[%d]! The Poller Interval is %d seconds, with a maximum of a %d seconds, but %d seconds have passed since the last poll!
ADVERTENCIA: ¡%s no está sincronizado con el intervalo de sondeo! El intervalo de sondeo es '%d' segundos, con un máximo de un '%d' segundos, pero %d segundos han pasado desde el último sondeo!
WARNING: There are %d processes detected as overrunning a polling cycle for Poller[%d], please investigate.
ADVERTENCIA: hay '%d' detectado como una sobre ejecución de un ciclo de sondeo, por favor investigue.