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Disabled Invalid Directory Directorio de backup de archivos RRD
Disabled No INFO File Deshabilitar dispositivo
Disabled Directory Missing El directorio de plugin no existe!
Loaded, Not Installed No instalado
Installed/Active Instalado
Installed/Inactive Instalado
Installed or Active Data Source activo
Installable Instalado
Disabled by Error Habilitar Reporte
Archived Archivar
The action '%s' on Plugin '%s' can not be performed due to the Plugin in it's current state.
The action '%s' '%s' on Plugin '%s' can not be taken as the Plugin is integrated.
The fetch latest plugins process has been launched into background.
The fetch latest plugins process has already been started.
Plugin '%s' has passed it's Configuration Check test and can not be Installed
Plugin '%s' Check Configuration function returned a null response which is invalid. Please check with Plugin Developer for an update.
Uninstalling this Plugin and may remove all Plugin Data and Settings. If you really want to Uninstall the Plugin, click 'Uninstall' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. La desinstalación de este plugin eliminará todos los datos y ajustes del plugin. Si realmente desea desinstalar el Plugin, haga clic en 'desinstalar'. De lo contrario, haga clic en 'Cancelar'
Removing Plugin Data and Settings for will remove all Plugin Data and Settings. If you really want to Remove Data and Settings for this Plugin, click 'Remove Data' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. La desinstalación de este plugin eliminará todos los datos y ajustes del plugin. Si realmente desea desinstalar el Plugin, haga clic en 'desinstalar'. De lo contrario, haga clic en 'Cancelar'
Are you sure you want to Remove all Plugin Data and Settings? ¿está seguro de que desea desinstalar?
Restoring this Plugin Archive will overwrite the current Plugin directory. If you really want to Restore this Plugin Archive, click 'Restore' below. Otherwise click 'Cancel'. La desinstalación de este plugin eliminará todos los datos y ajustes del plugin. Si realmente desea desinstalar el Plugin, haga clic en 'desinstalar'. De lo contrario, haga clic en 'Cancelar'