Direct URL
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on GitHub.
The Repo '%s' is NOT Reachable on GitHub or the package.manifest file is missing or it could be an invalid branch. Valid Package Locations are normally: https://github.com/Author/RepoName/.
The Repo '%s' is Reachable at the URL Location.
The Repo '%s' is Reachable on the Local Cacti Server.
Delete Package Repository
Eliminar Color
Click 'Continue' to disable the following Package Repository.
Haga click en 'Continuar' para deshabilitar los siguientes Reportes.
Disable Package Repository
Habilitar Reporte
Click 'Continue' to enable the following Package Repository.
Haga click en 'Continuar' para habilitar el/los siguiente(s) Reporte(s).
Enabled Package Repository
Habilitar Reporte
Click 'Continue' to make the following the following Package Repository the default one.
Haga click en 'Continuar' para hacer el siguiente Dominio de usuarios predeterminado.
Make Selected Repository Default
Hacer el Dominio seleccionado por defecto
Package Repository [edit: %s]
Dispositivo [editar: %s]
Package Repository [new]
Enter a meaningful name for this Package Repository.
Ingrese un nombre significativo para este método de entrada de datos.
Repository Type
Tipo de reordenado
Choose what Package Repository type this is.
Elige el tipo de item CDEF que es.
Either the full path on the Cacti Web Server to the Repository or a URL to the Repository. For example: https://github.com/Cacti/packages/
For GitHub based repositories, the branch to include such as 'develop', 'master', etc.