Context English Spanish
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jan Ene
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Feb Feb
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Mar Mar
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Apr Abr
A short textual representation of a month, three letters May May
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jun Jun
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Jul Jul
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Aug Ago
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Sep Sep
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Oct Oct
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Nov Nov
A short textual representation of a month, three letters Dec Dic
A textual representation of a day, three letters Sun Dom
A textual representation of a day, three letters Mon Lun
A textual representation of a day, three letters Tue Mar
A textual representation of a day, three letters Wed Mie
A textual representation of a day, three letters Thu Jue
A textual representation of a day, three letters Fri Vie
A textual representation of a day, three letters Sat Sab
Arabic Árabe