English Spanish
Protocol Error, Unable to set referrals option (%s) on Server (%s) Error de protocolo, no se puede establecer la opción de referencias
Protocol Error, unable to start TLS communications (%s) on Server (%s) Error de protocolo, no es posible iniciar la comunicación TLS
Protocol Error, Unable to bind, LDAP result: (%s) on Server (%s) Error de protocolo, no se puede enlazar, resultado de LDAP: %s
Unable to Connect to Server (%s) No es posible conectarse al servidor
Connection Timeout to Server (%s) Tiempo de conexión agotado
Insufficient Access to Server (%s) Acceso insuficiente
Group DN could not be found to compare on Server (%s) El Grupo DN no pudo ser encontrado para comparar
Unable to create LDAP connection object to Server (%s) No es posible crear el objecto de la conexión LDAP
Invalid Password provided. Login failed. Contraseña proporcionada no válida. Error de inicio de sesion.
Unexpected error %s (Ldap Error: %s) on Server (%s) Error inesperado %s (error LDAP: %s)
IPv6 support seems to be missing!
IPv6 support appears to be missing!
The Plugin directory '%s' needs to be renamed to remove 'plugin_' from the name before it can be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an version function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
The Plugin in the directory '%s' does not include an install function '%s()'. This function must exist for the plugin to be installed.
Device '%s' successfully added to Report. Dispositivo %s añadido a Cacti
Device not found! Unable to add to Report No se encontró el gráfico que intentaba agregar al Reporte
Device '%s' not added to Report as it already exists on report. El dispositivo '%s' no se agregó al informe porque ya existe en el informe.
Problems sending Report '%s' Problem with e-mail Subsystem Error is '%s' Problemas al enviar el informe '%s' Problema con el correo electrónico El error del subsistema es '%s'
Report '%s' Sent Successfully Conexión remota exitosa