English Spanish
Device ID Dispositivo
Device ID/Data Query ID Eliminar consulta de datos
Device Hash/Device ID Nombre de dispositivo
Device Hash/Device ID/Data Query ID
Max Device Hash Directories
The maximum number of Device Directories to be created based upon hashed Device ID's.
Absolute Maximum Value
This value represents the maximum raw value of any data point to remove from a Graph RRA. Este valor representa el número máximo de picos a remover de los gráficos RRA.
1 Thousand %d proceso
10 Thousand
100 Thousand
1 Million
2.5 Million (20 Megabits)
7.5 Million (60 Megabits)
10 Million
12.5 Million (100 Megabits)
31.3 Million (250 Megabits)
75 Million (600 Megabits)
100 Million
125 Million (1 Gigabit)