English German
How frequent should Daily Stats be updated? Wie oft sollten die täglichen Statistiken aktualisiert werden?
Hourly Average Window Stündliches Durchschnittsfenster
The number of consecutive hours that represent the hourly average. Keep in mind that a setting too high can result in very large memory tables Die Anzahl der aufeinanderfolgenden Stunden, die den Stundendurchschnitt darstellen. Beachten Sie, dass eine zu hohe Einstellung zu sehr großen Speichertabellen führen kann.
What time of day should Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Data be updated? Format is HH:MM [am/pm] Zu welcher Tageszeit sollen die Wochen-, Monats- und Jahresdaten aktualisiert werden? Das Format ist HH:MM[am/pm].
Memory Limit for Data Source Statistics Data Collector Speicherbegrenzung für Datenquellenstatistik Datensammler
The maximum amount of memory for the Cacti Poller and Data Source Statistics Poller Die maximale Speichergröße für den Cacti Poller und den Data Source Statistics Poller.
Data Source Retention Settings Datenspeichereinstellungen
Save Historical Data in Database Tables
Check this setting in order to keep a table for each day, week, month, and year data. The times that these tables will be created will be based upon the following formula: Daily - One partition per day, Weekly - One Partition per Week, Monthly - One partition per Month, Yearly - One Partition per Year. All tables will have the following suffixes by type Daily: YYYYDDD, Weekly: YYYYWW, Monthly: YYYYMM, and Yearly: YYYY suffixes.
Daily Partition Retention Datenaufbewahrung
The number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to keep daily statistics.
Weekly Partition Retention Datenaufbewahrung
The number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to keep weekly statistics.
Monthly Partition Retention
The number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to keep monthly statistics.
Yearly Partition Retention Datenaufbewahrung
The number of Days, Weeks, Months, or Years to keep yearly statistics.
RRDfile Check RRDfile Reiniger
Enable RRDfile Check Regel aktivieren
Should RRDfile Check be enabled for this Cacti system? Sollen für dieses Cacti-System Datenquellenstatistiken erhoben werden?