English Chinese (Traditional)
%s is required for %s, and it is not installed. %s是必需的,並且未安裝。
%s Version %s or above is required for %s. %s版本%s或以上是%s所必需的。
Procs: 1流程
SMTP error: SMTP錯誤:
One or more tables are too large to convert during the installation. You should use the cli/convert_tables.php script to perform the conversion, then refresh this page. For example: 一個或多個表太大而無法在安裝期間進行轉換。您應該使用cli / convert_tables.php腳本來執行轉換,然後刷新此頁面。例如:
Restricted By: 受限
Failed fields: 失敗的字段:
Any tables created by plugins may have issues linked against Cacti Core tables if the collation is not matched. Please ensure your database is changed to 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' by running the following: 如果排序規則不匹配,則插件創建的任何表都可能存在與Cacti Core錶鍊接的問題。請運行以下命令,確保將數據庫更改為“utf8mb4_unicode_ci”:
Field that will replace the email taken from LDAP. (on windows: mail) 將替換從LDAP獲取的電子郵件的字段。 (在Windows上:郵件)
Field that will replace the Full Name when creating a new user, taken from LDAP. (on windows: displayname) 從LDAP獲取的創建新用戶時將替換全名的字段。 (在windows上:displayname)
Your database default collation does NOT appear to be full UTF8 compliant. 您的數據庫默認排序規則似乎不符合UTF8標準。
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant. 您的服務器排序規則似乎不完全符合UTF8標準。
Granted By: 授予方:
Search filter to use to locate the user in the LDAP directory, such as for windows: <i>'(&amp;(objectclass=user)(objectcategory=user)(userPrincipalName=&lt;username&gt;*))'</i> or for OpenLDAP: <i>'(&(objectClass=account)(uid=&lt;username&gt))'</i>. '&lt;username&gt' is replaced with the username that was supplied at the login prompt. 搜索過濾器用於在LDAP目錄中定位用戶,例如對於windows: <i>&#39;(&(objectclass = user)(objectcategory = user)(userPrincipalName = &lt;username&gt; *))&#39;</i>或OpenLDAP: <i>&#39;(&(objectClass) = account)(uid = &lt;username&gt;))&#39;</i> 。 &#39;&lt;username&gt;&#39;將替換為登錄提示符下提供的用戶名。
Data Source returned Bad Results for 數據源返回錯誤結果
Not Checked 檢查
This process will guide you through the steps for upgrading from version '%s'. 此過程將指導您完成從版本&#39;%s&#39;升級的步驟。
Threads: 線程
No Device - 裝置:
WARNING: Cacti Polling Cycle Exceeded Poller Interval by 警告:仙人掌輪詢週期超過輪詢間隔