English Chinese (Traditional)
Zoom Out Positioning 縮小定位
Zoom Out Factor 縮小因子
Zoom Out 縮小
Zoom Mode 縮放模式
Zoom In 放大
Zoom 縮放
Your server collation does NOT appear to be fully UTF8 compliant. 您的服務器排序規則似乎不完全符合UTF8標準。
Your server collation appears to be UTF8 compliant 您的服務器排序規則似乎符合UTF8標準
Your Remote Database Hostname must be something other than 'localhost' for each Remote Data Collector. 對於每個遠程數據收集器,您的遠程數據庫主機名必須是“localhost”以外的其他名稱。
Your Remote Cacti Poller information has not been included in your config.php file. Please review the config.php.dist, and set the variables: <i>$rdatabase_default, $rdatabase_username</i>, etc. These variables must be set and point back to your Primary Cacti database server. Correct this and try again. 您的config.php文件中未包含您的遠程Cacti Poller信息。請查看config.php.dist,並設置變量: <i>$ rdatabase_default,$ rdatabase_username</i>等。必須設置這些變量並指回主Cacti數據庫服務器。糾正這個並再試一次。
Your Private Data has been cleared. 您的私人數據已被清除。
Your password must contain at least 1 special character! 您的密碼必須包含至少1個特殊字符!
Your password must contain at least 1 numerical character! 您的密碼必須至少包含1個數字字符!
Your password must contain a mix of lower case and upper case characters! 您的密碼必須包含小寫和大寫字符的混合!
Your new passwords do not match, please retype. 您的新密碼不匹配,請重新輸入。
Your new password cannot be the same as the old password. Please try again. 您的新密碼不能與舊密碼相同。請再試一次。
Your MySQL TimeZone database is not populated. Please populate this database before proceeding. 您的MySQL TimeZone數據庫未填充。請在繼續之前填充此數據庫。
Your Graph Template has not Data Templates in use. Please correct your Graph Template 您的圖表模板尚未使用數據模板。請更正您的圖表模板
Your email settings are currently set as follows 您的電子郵件設置目前設置如下
Your database default collation does NOT appear to be full UTF8 compliant. 您的數據庫默認排序規則似乎不符合UTF8標準。