English Chinese (Traditional)
Unable to determine user Login Realm or Domain. Please contact your System Administrator. 訪問被拒絕,請與您聯繫Cacti管理員。
User was Authenticated, but the Template Account is disabled. Using Guest Account 用戶已通過身份驗證,但模板帳戶已禁用。使用訪客帳戶
Access Denied! Guest user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 訪問被拒絕,請與您聯繫Cacti管理員。
Access Denied! User account disabled. 拒絕訪問,禁用用戶帳戶。
You do not have access to any area of Cacti. Contact your administrator. 如果你覺得這是一個錯誤。請聯繫您的Cacti管理員。
Login to Cacti 登錄Cacti
User Login 用戶登錄
Enter your Username and Password below 在下面輸入您的用戶名和密碼
Password 密碼
Local 本地
Realm 領域
Keep me signed in 保持登錄狀態
Login 登入
General 一般
User Account Details 用戶帳戶明細
Tree View 樹狀圖
List View 清單檢視
Preview View 預覽視圖
User Name 使用者名稱