English Chinese (Traditional)
Hostname 主機名稱
Either an IP address, or hostname. If a hostname, it must be resolvable by either DNS, or from your hosts file. IP地址或主機名。如果是主機名,則必須由DNS或主機文件解析。
The internal database ID for this Device. Useful when performing automation or debugging. 此設備的內部數據庫ID。在執行自動化或調試時很有用。
The total number of Graphs generated from this Device. 從此設備生成的圖表總數。
The total number of Data Sources generated from this Device. 從此設備生成的數據源總數。
The monitoring status of the Device based upon ping results. If this Device is a special type Device, by using the hostname "localhost", or due to the setting to not perform an Availability Check, it will always remain Up. When using cmd.php data collector, a Device with no Graphs, is not pinged by the data collector and will remain in an "Unknown" state. 基於ping結果的設備監控狀態。如果此設備是特殊類型的設備,通過使用主機名“localhost”,或由於設置不執行可用性檢查,它將始終保持為Up。使用cmd.php數據收集器時,沒有圖形的設備不會被數據收集器ping,並將保持“未知”狀態。
In State
The amount of time that this Device has been in its current state. 此設備已處於當前狀態的時間量。
The current amount of time that the host has been up. 主機已啟動的當前時間。
Poll Time 民意調查時間
The amount of time it takes to collect data from this Device. 從此設備收集數據所需的時間。
Current (ms) 電流(ms)
The current ping time in milliseconds to reach the Device. 到達設備的當前ping時間(以毫秒為單位)。
Average (ms) 平均(ms)
The average ping time in milliseconds to reach the Device since the counters were cleared for this Device. 自從為此設備清除計數器以來到達設備的平均ping時間(以毫秒為單位)。
Availability 可用性
The availability percentage based upon ping results since the counters were cleared for this Device. 自從為此設備清除計數器以來,基於ping結果的可用性百分比。
Sync Devices 同步設備
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Device Template(s). 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備模板。
Delete Device Template(s) 刪除設備模板