English Chinese (Traditional)
Change Graph Template 更改圖表模板
Create Aggregate Graph 創建聚合圖
Create Aggregate from Template 從模板創建聚合
Apply Automation Rules 應用自動化規則
Convert to Graph Template 轉換為圖形模板
No Device - 裝置:
Created graph: %s 創建圖:%s
ERROR: No Data Source associated. Check Template 錯誤:沒有數據源關聯。檢查模板
Click 'Continue' to delete the following Graph(s). Note that if you choose to Delete Data Sources, only those Data Sources not in use elsewhere will also be Deleted. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下圖表。請注意,如果選擇“刪除數據源”,則只有那些未在其他地方使用的數據源也將被刪除。
The following Data Source(s) are in use by these Graph(s). 這些圖表正在使用以下數據源。
Delete all Data Source(s) referenced by these Graph(s) that are not in use elsewhere. 刪除其他地方未使用的這些圖表引用的所有數據源。
Leave the Data Source(s) untouched. 保持數據源不變。
Choose a Graph Template and click 'Continue' to change the Graph Template for the following Graph(s). Please note, that only compatible Graph Templates will be displayed. Compatible is identified by those having identical Data Sources. 選擇一個圖表模板,然後單擊“繼續”以更改以下圖表的圖表模板。請注意,僅顯示兼容的圖表模板。兼容性由具有相同數據源的人識別。
New Graph Template 新圖模板
Click 'Continue' to duplicate the following Graph(s). You can optionally change the title format for the new Graph(s). 單擊“繼續”以復制以下圖表。您可以選擇更改新圖表的標題格式。
<graph_title> (1) <graph_title> (1)
Duplicate Graph(s) 重複的圖表
Click 'Continue' to convert the following Graph(s) into Graph Template(s). You can optionally change the title format for the new Graph Template(s). 單擊“繼續”將以下圖表轉換為圖形模板。您可以選擇更改新圖形模板的標題格式。
<graph_title> Template <graph_title>模板
Click 'Continue' to place the following Graph(s) under the Tree Branch selected below. 單擊“繼續”將以下圖表放在下面選擇的樹枝下。