English Chinese (Traditional)
No GPRINT Presets 沒有GPRINT預設
Viewing Graph 查看圖表
Graph Details, Zooming and Debugging Utilities 圖形詳細信息,縮放和調試實用程序
CSV Export CSV匯出
Edit Graph Template 編輯圖表模板。
Click to view just this Graph in Real-time 單擊以實時查看此圖表
Utility View 實用視圖
Graph Utility View 圖表工具視圖
Graph Source/Properties 圖源/屬性
Graph Data 圖數據
RRDtool Graph Syntax RRDtool圖形語法
The Cacti Poller has not run yet. Cacti Poller尚未運行。
Real-time has been disabled by your administrator. 您的管理員已禁用實時。
The Image Cache Directory does not exist. Please first create it and set permissions and then attempt to open another Real-time graph. 圖像緩存目錄不存在。請先創建並設置權限,然後嘗試打開另一個實時圖表。
The Image Cache Directory is not writable. Please set permissions and then attempt to open another Real-time graph. 圖像緩存目錄不可寫。請設置權限,然後嘗試打開另一個實時圖表。
Cacti Real-time Graphing 仙人掌實時圖形
Thumbnails 縮略圖
%d seconds left. %d秒左。
seconds left. 幾秒鐘。