English Chinese (Traditional)
%s KBytes per Data Source 每個數據源的%s KBytes
Enter a valid number of Rows to obtain the RRA size.
%d Years %d年
1 Year 1 年
%d Month %d月
%d Months %d個月
%d Week %d週
%d Weeks %d週
%d Day %d 天
%d Days %d 天
1 Hour 1小時
Data Source Profiles 數據源配置文件
Profiles 個人檔案
Has Data Sources 有數據來源
Data Source Profile Name 數據源配置文件名稱
Is this the default Profile for all new Data Templates? 這是所有新數據模板的默認配置文件嗎?
Profiles that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by a Data Source or a Data Template. 正在使用的配置文件無法刪除。使用中定義為由數據源或數據模板引用。
Read Only 唯讀
Profiles that are in use by Data Sources become read only for now. 數據源正在使用的配置文件現在變為只讀。
Poller Interval 輪詢間隔