English Chinese (Traditional)
DS Name DS 名稱
Template ID 主題 ID
Last Modified 最後修改
Size [KB] 大小[KB]
No unused RRD Files 沒有未使用的RRD文件
Total Size [MB]: 總大小[MB]:
Last Scan: 上次掃描:
Time Since Update 更新後的時間
RRDfiles RRDfiles
Rescan 重新掃描
Delete All 刪除全部
Delete All Unknown RRDfiles 刪除所有未知的RRD文件
Archive All 歸檔所有
Archive All Unknown RRDfiles 存檔所有未知的RRD文件
NOTE: Path Settings on this Tab are only saved locally! 注意:此選項卡上的路徑設置僅在本地保存!
Cacti Settings (%s)%s 仙人掌設置(%s)
Changing Permission Model Warning
Changing Permission Model will alter a users effective Graph permissions.
After you change the Graph Permission Model you should audit your Users and User Groups Effective Graph permission to ensure that you still have adequate control of your Graphs. NOTE: If you want to restrict all Graphs at the Device or Graph Template Graph Permission Model, the default Graph Policy should be set to 'Deny'.