
English Chinese (Traditional)
Device Up/Down Notification Settings 設備上/下通知設置
Threshold Up/Down Email Notification 閾值上/下電子郵件通知
Global List 全球清單
List Below 列表如下
Global and List Below 全球和下面的列表
Which Notification List(s) of should be notified about Device Up/Down events? 應該通知哪些通知列表有關設備上/下事件?
Notification List 通知清單
Additional Email address, separated by commas for multiple Emails. 其他電子郵件地址,以逗號分隔多個電子郵件。
Host Failure Count 主機故障計數
The number of Polling Intervals at this Host must be Down before Thold logging an error and reporting Host as Down. Default is 0 (use Cacti setting) 在Thold記錄錯誤並將主機報告為Down之前,此主機上的輪詢間隔數必須為Down。默認值為0(使用“仙人掌”設置)
Use Cacti Setting 基線設置
%d Polling Interval %d輪詢
%d Polling Intervals %d Pollings
Alerting/Thold 警報/的Thold
General 一般
Disable All Thresholds 禁用所有閾值
Checking this box will disable Alerting on all Thresholds. This can be used when it is necessary to perform maintenance on your network. 選中此框將禁用所有閾值的警報。當需要在網絡上執行維護時,可以使用此選項。
Auto Create Thresholds 自動創建閾值
If selected, when running either automation, or when creating/saving a Device, all Thresholds associated with the Device Template will be created. 如果選擇此選項,則在運行自動化或創建/保存設備時,將創建與設備模板關聯的所有閾值。
Consider Unknown Data as Zero 將未知數據視為零
When checking Thresholds, if a Data Source returns Unknown Data ('U'), consider the value as zero for the Threshold check. You can also enable log this issue. 檢查閾值時,如果數據源返回未知數據('U'),則將閾值檢查的值視為零。
Default Management Status 默認管理狀態
Default Threshold management filter status. 默認閾值管理過濾器狀態。
Any 任何
Breached or Triggered 警告觸發器
Breached 突破
Triggered 觸發
Enabled 啟用
Empty ifHighSpeed Default 清空ifHighSpeed默認值
When calculating Expression Thresholds, if the ifHighSpeed and ifSpeed come back as zero, use the following ifHighSpeed setting instead. Default ifHighSpeed will be 10000 for 10GE interfaces. 計算表達式閾值時,如果ifHighSpeed和ifSpeed返回為零,請改用以下ifHighSpeed設置。對於10GE接口,默認ifHighSpeed為10000。
Notification Preferences SNMP通知預設


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 164