
English Chinese (Traditional)
Allows you to set Emails with urgent priority 允許您設置具有緊急優先級的電子郵件
Send Alerts as Text 將警報作為文本發送
If checked, this will cause all Alerts to be sent as plain text Emails with no graph. The default is HTML Emails with the graph embedded in the Email. 如果選中,則會導致所有警報作為純文本電子郵件發送而沒有圖表。默認為HTML電子郵件,其中嵌入了電子郵件中的圖表。
Send Email separately for each address 為每個地址分別發送電子郵件
If checked, this will cause all Emails to be sent separately for each address. 如果選中,這將導致針對每個地址分別發送所有電子郵件。
From Email Address 寄件者電子郵件
This is the Email address that the Threshold will appear from. 這是閾值將顯示的電子郵件地址。
From Name 寄件者名稱
This is the actual name that the Threshold will appear from. 這是閾值將顯示的實際名稱。
Device Notification Options 設備通知選項
Enable Notifications 啟用每個通知
Enable Dead/Recovering host notification 啟用死機/恢復主機通知
Notification Single Email 通知設定
Supported for Notification Lists and the Notification Queue only. If there are Down Device Notifications in a single processing cycle. Send only one Email to Notification List repipients for all Devices.
Device Notification Delay Options 設備通知選項
Notification Delay 通知清單
If a large influx of Down Device Notifications come in, Cacti can pause sending out those Notifications for a certain period of time to see if the issue is transient before sending them out. Select the threshold Down Device Notifications before the Pause is Triggered.
If you choose to delay Notifications for a large Down Devices Notification inrush, how long are you willing to wait before allowing the notifications to be processed?
Device Notification Email Options 設備通知選項
Global Notification Email 死設備通知電子郵件
This is the Email Address that the Dead Device Notifications will be sent to if the Global Notification List is selected. 這是在選擇全局通知列表時將發送死設備通知的電子郵件地址。
Down Subject 關閉設備主題
This is the Email subject that will be used for Down Device Messages. 這是將用於關閉設備消息的電子郵件主題。
Down Message 關閉設備消息
This is the message that will be displayed as the message body of all UP / Down Device Messages (1024 Char MAX). HTML is allowed, but will be removed for text only Emails. There are several common replacement tags that may be used in include:<br>&#060HOSTNAME&#062 &#060HOST_ID&#062 &#060DESCRIPTION&#062 &#060SITE&#062 &#060LOCATION&#062 &#060UPTIME&#062 &#060UPTIMETEXT&#062 &#060DOWNTIME&#062 &#060TIME&#062 &#060DATE&#062 &#060DATE_RFC822&#062 &#060BREACHED_ITEMS&#062 &#060MESSAGE&#062 &#060SUBJECT&#062 &#060DOWN/UP&#062 &#060SNMP_HOSTNAME&#062 &#060SNMP_LOCATION&#062 &#060SNMP_CONTACT&#062 &#060SNMP_SYSTEM&#062 &#060LAST_FAIL&#062 &#060AVAILABILITY&#062 &#060TOT_POLL&#062 &#060FAIL_POLL&#062 &#060CUR_TIME&#062 &#060AVG_TIME&#062 &#060NOTES&#062 這是將顯示為所有UP / Down設備消息(255 Char MAX)的消息正文的消息。允許使用HTML,但僅刪除純文本電子郵件。可以使用幾種描述符。 <br> &lt;HOSTNAME&gt; &lt;DESCRIPTION&gt; &lt;UPTIME&gt; &lt;UPTIMETEXT&gt; &lt;DOWNTIME&gt; &lt;TIME&gt; &lt;DATE&gt; &lt;DATE_RFC822&gt; &lt;MESSAGE&gt; &lt;SUBJECT&gt; &lt;DOWN / UP&gt; &lt;SNMP_HOSTNAME&gt; &lt;SNMP_LOCATION&gt; &lt;SNMP_CONTACT&gt; &lt;SNMP_SYSTEM&gt; &lt;LAST_FAIL&gt; &lt;AVAILABILITY&gt; &lt;TOT_POLL&gt; &lt;FAIL_POLL&gt; &lt;CUR_TIME&gt; &lt;AVG_TIME&gt; &lt;注意&gt;
System Error : <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) is <DOWN/UP><br><br>Site: <SITE><br>Location: <LOCATION><br>Reason: <MESSAGE><br>Average system response: <AVG_TIME> ms<br>System availability: <AVAILABILITY><br>Total Checks Since Clear: <TOT_POLL><br>Total Failed Checks: <FAIL_POLL><br>Last Date Checked DOWN : <LAST_FAIL><br>Device Previously UP for: <DOWNTIME><br>NOTES: <NOTES><br>Device NOTES: <DNOTES> 系統錯誤 : <DESCRIPTION> ( <HOSTNAME> )是<DOWN/UP><br>原因: <MESSAGE><br><br>平均係統響應: <AVG_TIME>女士<br>系統可用性: <AVAILABILITY><br>清除後的總檢查: <TOT_POLL><br>總失敗檢查: <FAIL_POLL><br>最後一次檢查DOWN: <LAST_FAIL><br>設備以前用於: <DOWNTIME><br>筆記: <NOTES><br>設備說明: <DNOTES>
Recovering Subject 恢復設備主題
This is the Email subject that will be used for Recovering Device Messages. 這是將用於恢復設備消息的電子郵件主題。
Device Notice: <DESCRIPTION> (<HOSTNAME>) returned from DOWN state 設備通知: <DESCRIPTION> ( <HOSTNAME> )從DOWN狀態返回
Recovering Message 恢復設備消息


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 261