Source string Source string

Add Threshold Template to Device
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Threshold Template will be disassociated from the Device.
Threshold Template Name: %s
Remove Threshold Template
Add Threshold Template to Device Template
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Threshold Template will be disassociated from the Device Template.
Either No Templates or Threshold(s) Already Exists - No Thresholds were created.
You are not authorized to modify one or more of the Thresholds selected
Click 'Delete' to delete the following Threshold(s).
Delete Threshold(s)
Click 'Continue' to enable the following Threshold(s).
Enable Threshold(s)
Click 'Continue' to disable the following Threshold(s).
Disable Threshold(s)
Click 'Continue' to reapply Suggested Name(s) to the following Threshold(s).
Apply Suggestion
Click 'Continue' to update the following Threshold(s) with their associate Template's details.
Reapply Template
Click 'Continue' to Acknowledge the following Threshold(s). Thresholds that do not allows this, or that are not triggered, will be ignored.
Acknowledge Threshold(s)
Click 'Continue' to Resume Notifications for the following Threshold(s). Thresholds that do not allows this, or that are not triggered will be ignored.
Resume Notifications for Threshold(s)
Click 'Continue' to Suspend Notifications for the following Threshold(s). Thresholds that do not allows this, or that are not triggered will be ignored.
Suspend Notification for Threshold(s)
Invalid action detected, can not proceed
Threshold Management
Apply Filters
Return to Defaults
Data Template
Disabled at Template


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check


The string is used as plural, but not using plural forms



English English
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/cacti.pot, string 473