
English Chinese (Traditional)
Syslog Data Only 僅限Syslog數據
Syslog Uninstall Preferences Syslog卸載首選項
Uninstall 解除安裝
Cancel 取消
Syslog 系統日誌
General Settings 一般設定
Syslog Enabled 已啟用Syslog
If this checkbox is set, records will be transferred from the Syslog Incoming table to the main syslog table and Alerts and Reports will be enabled. Please keep in mind that if the system is disabled log entries will still accumulate into the Syslog Incoming table as this is defined by the rsyslog or syslog-ng process. 如果設置了此復選框,則記錄將從Syslog Incoming表傳輸到主syslog表,並且將啟用Alerts and Reports。請記住,如果系統被禁用,日誌條目仍會累積到Syslog Incoming表中,因為這是由rsyslog或syslog-ng進程定義的。
Enable Statistics Gathering 啟用統計信息收集
If this checkbox is set, statistics on where syslog messages are arriving from will be maintained. This statistical information can be used to render things such as heat maps. 如果設置了此復選框,則將保留有關syslog消息來自何處的統計信息。此統計信息可用於渲染熱圖等內容。
Strip Domains 剝離域
A comma delimited list of domains that you wish to remove from the syslog hostname, Examples would be ',' 您希望從syslog主機名中刪除的以逗號分隔的域列表,例如','
Validate Hostnames 驗證主機名
If this checkbox is set, all hostnames are validated. If the hostname is not valid. All records are assigned to a special host called 'invalidhost'. This setting can impact syslog processing time on large systems. Therefore, use of this setting should only be used when other means are not in place to prevent this from happening. 如果設置了此復選框,則驗證所有主機名。如果主機名無效。所有記錄都分配給名為“invalidhost”的特殊主機。此設置可能會影響大型系統上的syslog處理時間。因此,只有在沒有其他方法可以防止這種情況發生時,才應使用此設置。
Refresh Interval 刷新間隔
This is the time in seconds before the page refreshes. 這是頁面刷新前的秒數。
Max Report Records 最大報告記錄
For Threshold based Alerts, what is the maximum number that you wish to show in the report. This is used to limit the size of the html log and Email. 對於基於閾值的警報,您希望在報告中顯示的最大數量是多少。這用於限制html日誌和電子郵件的大小。
%d Records %d記錄
Command for Opening Tickets 打開門票的命令
This command will be executed for opening Help Desk Tickets. The command will be required to parse multiple input parameters as follows: <b>--alert-name</b>, <b>--severity</b>, <b>--hostlist</b>, <b>--message</b>. The hostlist will be a comma delimited list of hosts impacted by the alert. 將執行此命令以打開幫助台票證。該命令將需要解析多個輸入參數如下<b>:--alert名</b> <b><b><b>,--severity,--hostlist,--message。</b></b></b>主機列表將是受警報影響的逗號分隔的主機列表。
HTML Notification Settings 通知列表
Enable HTML Based Email HTML電子郵件
If this checkbox is set, all Emails will be sent in HTML format. Otherwise, Emails will be sent in plain text. 如果設置了此復選框,則所有電子郵件都將以HTML格式發送。否則,電子郵件將以純文本形式發送。
Format File to Use 格式化文件以使用
Choose the custom html wrapper and CSS file to use. This file contains both html and CSS to wrap around your report. If it contains more than simply CSS, you need to place a special <REPORT> tag inside of the file. This format tag will be replaced by the report content. These files are located in the 'formats' directory. 選擇要使用的自定義html包裝器和CSS文件。此文件包含用於包裝報表的html和CSS。如果它不僅包含CSS,那麼您需要放置一個特殊的<REPORT>標籤裡面的文件。此格式標記將替換為報告內容。這些文件位於“formats”目錄中。
Data Retention Settings 數據保留設置
Syslog Retention Syslog保留
This is the number of days to keep events. 這是保留事件的天數。
Syslog Alert Retention 系統日誌警報保留
This is the number of days to keep alert logs. 這是保留警報日誌的天數。


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 81