
English Chinese (Traditional)
Last Modified 最後修改
By User 依據用戶
No Syslog Alerts Defined 沒有系統日誌警報定義
Import Alert Rule from Local File 從本地文件導入警報規則
If the XML file containing the Alert Rule definition data is located on your local machine, select it here. 如果包含警報規則定義數據的XML文件位於本地計算機上,請在此處選擇它。
Import Alert Rule from Text 從文本導入警報規則
If you have the XML file containing the Alert Ruledefinition data as text, you can paste it into this box to import it. 如果您將包含Alert Ruledefinition數據的XML文件作為文本,則可以將其粘貼到此框中以將其導入。
Import Alert Rule 導入警報規則
Imported 已匯入
NOTE: Alert '%s' %s! 注意:提醒'%s'%s!
Updated 已更新
ERROR: Alert '%s' %s Failed! 錯誤:警報'%s'%s失敗!
Update 更新
Reprocess 重新處理
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下Syslog刪除規則。
Delete Syslog Removal Rule(s) 刪除Syslog刪除規則
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下Syslog刪除規則。
Disable Syslog Removal Rule(s) 禁用Syslog刪除規則
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下Syslog刪除規則。
Enable Syslog Removal Rule(s) 啟用Syslog刪除規則
Click 'Continue' to Re-process the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 單擊“繼續”以重新處理以下Syslog刪除規則。
Retroactively Process Syslog Removal Rule(s) 追溯處理Syslog刪除規則
Click 'Continue' to Export the following Syslog Removal Rule(s). 單擊“繼續”以導出以下Syslog刪除規則。
Export Syslog Removal Rule(s) 導出Syslog刪除規則
Rule '%s' resulted in %s/%s messages removed/transferred 刪除了%s消息,並傳輸了%s消息
Removal Rule Edit [edit: %s] 刪除規則編輯[編輯:%s]
Removal Rule Edit [new] 刪除規則編輯[新]
New Removal Record 新刪除記錄
New Removal Rule 新刪除規則
Removal Rule Details 刪除規則詳細信息


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 311