
English Chinese (Simplified)
Count: 计数:
Message String: 消息字符串:
Hostname: 主机名:
Date: 日期:
Level: 级别:
Message: 信息:
, Host: 这个主机
, URL: ,URL:
Sev: 西弗:
Event Alert - %s 事件警报 - %s
, Count: 计数:
Host 主机
Event Report - %s 活动报告 - %s
Please rename either your config.php.dist or config_local.php.dist files in the syslog directory, and change setup your database before installing. 请重命名syslog目录中的config.php.dist文件,并在安装之前更改数据库设置。
Syslog 2.0 Requires an Entire Reinstall. Please uninstall Syslog and Remove all Data before Installing. Migration is possible, but you must plan this in advance. No automatic migration is supported. Syslog 2.0需要重新安装。请在安装前卸载Syslog并删除所有数据。迁移是可能的,但您必须提前计划。不支持自动迁移。
What upgrade/install type do you wish to use 您希望使用哪种升级/安装类型
When you have very large tables, performing a Truncate will be much quicker. If you are concerned about archive data, you can choose either Inline, which will freeze your browser for the period of this upgrade, or background, which will create a background process to bring your old syslog data from a backup table to the new syslog format. Again this process can take several hours. 当你有非常大的表时,执行截断将更快。如果您担心存档数据,可以选择Inline(这将在此升级期间冻结浏览器)或后台,这将创建后台进程以将旧的syslog数据从备份表转换为新的syslog格式。这个过程可能需要几个小时。
Truncate Syslog Table 截断Syslog表
Inline Upgrade 内联升级
Background Upgrade 后台升级
Database Storage Engine 数据库存储引擎
You have the option to make this a partitioned table by days.
MyISAM Storage MyISAM存储
InnoDB Storage 使用InnoDB 存储引擎时,保持表空间的独立性很重要. 对于 %s 的长期用户,表管理会变得更简单.如果您尚未开启此功能, 可以通过在所有InnoDB 表上运行alter 语句来开启此功能.
Database Architecture 数据库架构
You have the option to make this a partitioned table by days. You can create multiple partitions per day. 在MySQL 5.1.6及更高版本中,您可以选择按天划分一个分区表。在此版本之前,您只能使用传统的表结构。
Traditional Table 传统表
Partitioned Table 分区表
Retention Policy 保留策略
Choose how many days of Syslog values you wish to maintain in the database. 选择要在数据库中维护的Syslog值的天数。
Partitions per Day 每天分区


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English Chinese (Simplified)
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String information

Source string location
String age
4 years ago
Source string age
4 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 36