
English Chinese (Simplified)
When you have very large tables, performing a Truncate will be much quicker. If you are concerned about archive data, you can choose either Inline, which will freeze your browser for the period of this upgrade, or background, which will create a background process to bring your old syslog data from a backup table to the new syslog format. Again this process can take several hours. 当你有非常大的表时,执行截断将更快。如果您担心存档数据,可以选择Inline(这将在此升级期间冻结浏览器)或后台,这将创建后台进程以将旧的syslog数据从备份表转换为新的syslog格式。这个过程可能需要几个小时。
Truncate Syslog Table 截断Syslog表
Inline Upgrade 内联升级
Background Upgrade 后台升级
Database Storage Engine 数据库存储引擎
You have the option to make this a partitioned table by days.
MyISAM Storage MyISAM存储
InnoDB Storage 使用InnoDB 存储引擎时,保持表空间的独立性很重要. 对于 %s 的长期用户,表管理会变得更简单.如果您尚未开启此功能, 可以通过在所有InnoDB 表上运行alter 语句来开启此功能.
Database Architecture 数据库架构
You have the option to make this a partitioned table by days. You can create multiple partitions per day. 在MySQL 5.1.6及更高版本中,您可以选择按天划分一个分区表。在此版本之前,您只能使用传统的表结构。
Traditional Table 传统表
Partitioned Table 分区表
Retention Policy 保留策略
Choose how many days of Syslog values you wish to maintain in the database. 选择要在数据库中维护的Syslog值的天数。
Partitions per Day 每天分区
Select the number of partitions per day that you wish to create. 选择您希望每天创建的分区数。
%d Per Day %d 每天
Upgrade 升级
Install 安装
Syslog %s Advisor Syslog%s顾问
WARNING: Syslog Upgrade is Time Consuming!!! 警告:Syslog升级是耗时的!
The upgrade of the 'main' syslog table can be a very time consuming process. As such, it is recommended that you either reduce the size of your syslog table prior to upgrading, or choose the background option</p> <p>If you choose the background option, your legacy syslog table will be renamed, and a new syslog table will be created. Then, an upgrade process will be launched in the background. Again, this background process can quite a bit of time to complete. However, your data will be preserved</p> <p>Regardless of your choice, all existing removal and alert rules will be maintained during the upgrade process.</p> <p>Press <b>'Upgrade'</b> to proceed with the upgrade, or <b>'Cancel'</b> to return to the Plugins menu. 'main'系统日志表的升级可能是一个非常耗时的过程。因此,建议您在升级之前减小syslog表的大小,或者选择后台选项</p><p>如果选择后台选项,则将重命名旧的syslog表,并将创建新的syslog表。然后,将在后台启动升级过程。同样,这个后台进程可能需要相当多的时间才能完成。但是,您的数据将被保留</p><p>无论您的选择如何,在升级过程中都将保留所有现有的删除和警报规则。 </p><p>按<b>“升级”</b>继续升级,或按<b>“取消”</b>返回“插件”菜单。
You can also select the retention duration. Please keep in mind that if you have several hosts logging to syslog, this table can become quite large. So, if not using partitioning, you might want to keep the size smaller. 您也可以选择保留期限。请记住,如果您有多个主机登录到syslog,则此表可能会变得非常大。因此,如果不使用分区,您可能希望保持较小的大小。
You can also set the MySQL storage engine. If you have not tuned you system for InnoDB storage properties, it is strongly recommended that you utilize the MyISAM storage engine. 您还可以设置MySQL存储引擎。如果您尚未针对InnoDB存储属性调整系统,则强烈建议您使用MyISAM存储引擎。
You have several options to choose from when installing Syslog. The first is the Database Architecture. You should elect to utilize Table Partitioning to prevent the size of the tables from becoming excessive thus slowing queries. 安装Syslog时有几个选项可供选择。第一个是数据库架构。从MySQL 5.1.6开始,您可以选择使用表分区来防止表的大小变得过大,从而减慢查询速度。
Syslog %s Settings Syslog%s设置
What uninstall method do you want to use? 你想用什么卸载方法?
When uninstalling syslog, you can remove everything, or only components, just in case you plan on re-installing in the future. 卸载syslog时,您可以删除所有内容或仅删除组件,以防您计划将来重新安装。
Remove Everything (Logs, Tables, Settings) 删除所有内容(日志,表格,设置)
Syslog Data Only 仅限Syslog数据
Syslog Uninstall Preferences Syslog卸载首选项


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Cacti / syslogChinese (Simplified)

a year ago
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Previous translation was "选择您希望每天创建的分开数量。".

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English Chinese (Simplified)
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4 years ago
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4 years ago
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locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 52