
English Latvian
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Servcheck CA Management Servcheck CA sertifikāta pārvaldība
Servcheck uses a file of certificates from common root CAs to check certificates. This will work for certificates issued by common CAs. If you are using a custom CA (for example, in a Microsoft AD environment), the test for that certificate will fail because servcheck does not know your CA. You must upload the entire chain (CA certificate and intermediate certificates). You then associate these with the test where the certificate issued by your CA is. Servcheck izmanto sertifikātu failu no parastajām saknes CA, lai pārbaudītu sertifikātus. Tas darbosies attiecībā uz sertifikātiem, ko izdevušas kopējas KI. Ja izmantojat pielāgotu CA (piemēram, Microsoft AD vidē), šī sertifikāta pārbaude neizdosies, jo servcheck nezina jūsu CA. Jums ir jāaugšupielādē visa ķēde (CA sertifikāts un starpposma sertifikāti). Pēc tam jūs tos saistāt ar testu, ja ir jūsu CA izsniegtais sertifikāts.
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Click 'Continue' to delete the following Proxy. Noklikšķiniet 'Turpināt', lai dzēstu norādīto starpniekserveri.
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Proxy [new] Starpniekserveris [jauns]
Ports (http/https) Porti (http(80)/https(443))
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Servcheck Proxy Management Servcheck starpniekservera pārvaldība
Click 'Continue' to Delete the following tests. Noklikšķiniet 'Turpināt', lai dzēstu norādīto URL vietni.
Delete rest Dzēst testus
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following test. Noklikšķiniet 'Turpināt', lai atspējotu sekojošus testus.
Disable test Atspējot testus
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following test. Noklikšķiniet 'Turpināt', lai iespējotu sekojošus testus.
Enable test Iespējot testus
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate the following test. Noklikšķiniet 'Turpināt', lai izveidotu norādīto URL vietnes kopiju.
Duplicate test Izveidot testa kopijas
The Service Check history was purged for %s Pakalpojuma pārbaudes vēsture tika iztīrīta %s
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Query [new] Vaicājums [jauns]
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Cacti / servcheckLatvian

5 days ago
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Things to check

Has been translated

Previous translation was "Servcheck starpniekservera pārvaldība".

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English Latvian
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

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String age
6 months ago
Source string age
6 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/lv-LV.po, string 274