
English Chinese (Traditional)
Active Users in Last 2 Hours: 最近 2 小時內的活躍用戶:
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Analyze Tree, Graphs, Hosts 分析樹/主機/圖
Devices with the same IP and port - %s 具有相同IP和端口%s的設備
Not optimized Bulk Walk Size devices - %s 未優化的 Bulk Walk Size 裝置 - %s
Data maintenance 維護開始時
Orphaned Data Sources - %s 孤立數據源%s
Datasources with bad indexes - %s 數據源 - 壞索引%s:
Thold logonly alert/warning - %s Thold logonly 警報/警告 - %s:
Devices with the same description - %s 具有相同描述%s的設備
Devices in more than one tree - %s 多個樹中的設備%s
Devices without Graphs - %s 主機沒有圖表%s
Devices without tree - %s 沒有樹%s的主機
Devices with default public/private community - %s 擁有默認公共/私人社區%s的主機
Plugin Monitor - Unmonitored hosts - %s 插件監視器 - 未監視的主機%s
The busiest 最繁忙的
Panels that finds the busiest hosts. 查找最繁忙的主機的面板。
Busiest CPU 最繁忙的 CPU
Devices with the busiest CPU (Host MIB) 具有相同IP和端口的設備:%s
Busiest ucd/net - Load 最繁忙的ucd/net - 負載
Devices with the highest Load (ucd/net) 具有相同描述的設備:%s
Busiest Hard Drive Space 最繁忙的硬碟空間
Devices with the highest Hard Drive Space used (Host MIB) 使用的最高硬碟空間的裝置(主機 MIB)
Busiest uptime 最繁忙的正常運行時間
Devices with the highest uptime Top5最糟糕的投票時間
Busiest Interface in/out traffic 最繁忙的介面輸入/輸出流量
Devices with the highest in/out traffic (Interface) Top5最糟糕的投票時間
Busiest Interface error 最繁忙的介面錯誤
Devices with the highest errors/discards (Interface) 錯誤/丟棄次數最多的設備(介面)
Busiest Interface utilization 最繁忙的介面利用率


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 303