
English Chinese (Traditional)
Analyze Cacti Objects 分析仙人掌日誌
Analyze Trees, Graphs, Hosts, ... 分析樹、圖、主機、...
Analyze DS stats 允許面板Analayse數據庫
Analyze data source stats 允許面板Analayse數據庫
Username 用戶名
IP Address IP 位址
Status 狀態
Failed 失敗
Success - Login 成功 - 登錄
Success - Token 成功 - 令牌
Total Failed Logins: %s 登錄失敗
Active Users in Last Hour: 最後一小時的活躍用戶:
Log file not accessible or empty 日誌文件無法訪問或為空
Analyze last %s log lines: 登錄失敗
Errors: 錯誤
Warnings: 警告
Log Size: Larger than 2GB 文件大於2GB
Log Size: OK 日誌大小好
Log Size: Quite Large 日誌大小非常大
Log Size: 最大日誌大小
Last log lines: 最後10次登錄
Skipping DB tables checks. Database too large 跳過資料庫表檢查。資料庫太大
Table %s status %s 表 %s 狀態 %s
DB: Problems DB問題
DB: OK DB:好的
Max connection reached: %s / %s 最大連接數:%s / %s
You can increase Max connection via command line tools or permanently in config file 您可以通過命令列工具或在設定檔中永久增加最大連接數
Connection errors: %s - try to restart SQL service, check SQL log, ... 連接錯誤 - 嘗試重新啟動SQL服務。
Aborted clients/connects: %s 中止的客戶端/連接:%s - 檢查日誌。
Aborted clients/connects - Run 'SET GLOBAL log_warnings = 1;' or ' log_error_verbosity = 1;' (depends on your MySQL/MariaDB version) from the mysql CLI and set in server.cnf to silence. 中止的用戶端/連接 - 運行“SET GLOBAL log_warnings = 1;”或“log_error_verbosity = 1;”(取決於您的 MySQL/MariaDB 版本)從 mysql CLI 並在 server.cnf 中設置為靜音。


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Trailing space

Source and translation do not both end with a space

Fix string



English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 234