
English Chinese (Traditional)
Errors 錯誤
Warnings 警告
WARNING: File is Larger than 2GB 文件大於2GB
Log Size 日誌大小
Analyze Logins Detail 分析日誌 - 行數
User 使用者
Result 結果
Active Users in Last 2 Hours: 最近 2 小時內的活躍用戶:
No Active Users 活躍用戶
View Full User Log 查看完整的用戶日誌
Analyze Tree, Graphs, Hosts 分析樹/主機/圖
Devices with the same IP and port - %s 具有相同IP和端口%s的設備
Not optimized Bulk Walk Size devices - %s 未優化的 Bulk Walk Size 裝置 - %s
Data maintenance 維護開始時
Orphaned Data Sources - %s 孤立數據源%s
Datasources with bad indexes - %s 數據源 - 壞索引%s:
Thold logonly alert/warning - %s Thold logonly 警報/警告 - %s:
Devices with the same description - %s 具有相同描述%s的設備
Devices in more than one tree - %s 多個樹中的設備%s
Devices without Graphs - %s 主機沒有圖表%s
Devices without tree - %s 沒有樹%s的主機
Devices with default public/private community - %s 擁有默認公共/私人社區%s的主機
Plugin Monitor - Unmonitored hosts - %s 插件監視器 - 未監視的主機%s
The busiest 最繁忙的
Panels that finds the busiest hosts. 查找最繁忙的主機的面板。
Busiest CPU 最繁忙的 CPU
Devices with the busiest CPU (Host MIB) 具有相同IP和端口的設備:%s
Busiest ucd/net - Load 最繁忙的ucd/net - 負載
Devices with the highest Load (ucd/net) 具有相同描述的設備:%s
Busiest Hard Drive Space 最繁忙的硬碟空間
Devices with the highest Hard Drive Space used (Host MIB) 使用的最高硬碟空間的裝置(主機 MIB)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes

Things to check

Mismatched colon

Source and translation do not both end with a colon


PHP format

Following format strings are missing: %s



English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
5 months ago
Source string age
5 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 296