
English Chinese (Traditional)
Access Denied! LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP搜索錯誤:%s
Access Denied! LDAP Error: %s LDAP錯誤:%s
Access Denied! No password provided by user. 拒絕訪問!用戶未提供密碼。
LDAP Search Error: %s LDAP搜索錯誤:%s
Access Denied! Template user id %s does not exist. Please contact your Administrator. 訪問被拒絕,請與您聯繫Cacti管理員。
Access Denied! Login failed. 拒絕訪問,禁用用戶帳戶。
Reset password 新密碼
Your Cacti administrator has forced complex passwords for logins and your current Cacti password does not match the new requirements. Therefore, you must change your password now. 您的Cacti管理員已強制使用複雜的密碼登錄,而您當前的Cacti密碼不符合新要求。因此,您必須立即更改密碼。
Password must be at least %d characters! 密碼必須至少為%d個字符!
Your password must contain at least 1 numerical character! 您的密碼必須至少包含1個數字字符!
Your password must contain a mix of lower case and upper case characters! 您的密碼必須包含小寫和大寫字符的混合!
Your password must contain at least 1 special character! 您的密碼必須包含至少1個特殊字符!
This password appears to be a well known password, please use a different one
Cacti Login Failure Cacti Log清除
Authentication was previously not set. Attempted to set to Local Authentication, but no Administrative account was found. 之前未設置身份驗證。嘗試設置為本地身份驗證,但未找到管理員帳戶。
Unknown error 未知的秒
ERROR: Unable to find user 無法找到用戶DN
2FA failed to be disabled 將過濾器應用於表格
2FA is now disabled 路徑不可寫
2FA secret failed to be generated/updated
2FA secret has needs verification 刪除驗證
ERROR: Code was not verified, please try again
2FA has been enabled and verified
%s MBytes %d MBytes
%s KBytes %s GBytes
%s Bytes %s GBytes
%s - WEBUI NOTE: Cacti Log Cleared from Web Management Interface. %s - WEBUI注意:從Web管理界面清除Cacti日誌。
Click 'Continue' to purge the Log File.<br><br><br>Note: If logging is set to both Cacti and Syslog, the log information will remain in Syslog. 單擊“繼續”以清除日誌文件。 <br><br><br>注意:如果將日誌記錄設置為Cacti和Syslog,則日誌信息將保留在Syslog中。
Purge Log 清除日誌
Log Filters 日誌過濾器
- Admin Filter active - 管理員過濾器有效
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has a different source, but the same context.
Translated Cacti/gexport 未知的秒錯誤


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
lib/auth.php:5215 lib/auth.php:5250 lib/auth.php:5288
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 3337