
English Chinese (Traditional)
1 Thousand %d線程
10 Thousand
100 Thousand
1 Million
2.5 Million (20 Megabits)
7.5 Million (60 Megabits)
10 Million
12.5 Million (100 Megabits)
31.3 Million (250 Megabits)
75 Million (600 Megabits)
100 Million
125 Million (1 Gigabit)
1 Billion
1.25 Billion (10 Gigabits)
12.5 Billion (100 Gigabits)
DS Filter 篩選
Specifies the DSes inside an RRD upon which Spikekill will operate. A string of comma-separated values that contains index numbers or names of desired DSes. If left blank, all DSes will match. An example is <i>"5,traffic_*"</i>, which would match DS index 5 as well as any DS whose name begins with <i>"traffic_"</i>.
RRDfile Backup Directory RRDfile備份目錄
If this directory is not empty, then your original RRDfiles will be backed up to this location. 如果此目錄不為空,則原始RRDfiles將備份到此位置。
Batch Spike Kill Settings Batch Spike Kill設置
Removal Schedule 搬遷時間表
Do you wish to periodically remove spikes from your graphs? If so, select the frequency below. 您是否希望定期從圖表中刪除尖峰?如果是,請選擇以下頻率。
Once a Day 一天一次
Every Other Day 每個另一天
Base Time 基準時間
The Base Time for Spike removal to occur. For example, if you use '12:00am' and you choose once per day, the batch removal would begin at approximately midnight every day. 發生尖峰移除的基準時間。例如,如果您使用&#39;12:00am&#39;並且您每天選擇一次,則批量刪除將在每天大約午夜開始。
Graph Templates to Spike Kill 秒殺的圖表模板
When performing batch spike removal, only the templates selected below will be acted on. 執行批量峰值刪除時,只會執行下面選擇的模板。
Backup Retention 數據保留
When SpikeKill kills spikes in graphs, it makes a backup of the RRDfile. How long should these backup files be retained? 當SpikeKill消除圖形中的峰值時,它將備份RRDfile。這些備份文件應保留多長時間?
Default View Mode 默認查看模式


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 3106