
English Chinese (Traditional)
Enable Direct Population of Boost Table 啟用poller_output_boost表的直接填充
Enables direct insert of records into poller output boost table with results in a 25% time reduction in each poll cycle. 允許將記錄直接插入到輪詢器輸出增強中,結果是每個輪詢週期減少25%的時間。
Enable Boost Debugging 啟用外掛程式
If set, Boost will log debug information directly to the Boost log file. Please note, enabling can cause a high I/O rate on the local file system.
Image Caching 圖像緩存
Enable Image Caching 啟用圖像緩存
Should image caching be enabled? 應該啟用圖像緩存嗎?
Location for Image Files 圖像文件的位置
Specify the location where Boost should place your image files. These files will be automatically purged by the poller when they expire. 指定Boost放置圖像文件的位置。輪詢器到期時,這些文件將被輪詢器自動清除。
Data Sources Statistics 數據來源統計
Enable Data Source Statistics Collection 啟用數據源統計信息收集
Should Data Source Statistics be collected for this Cacti system? 是否應該為此Cacti系統收集數據源統計信息?
Data Collection Method 數據採集
Data Source Statistics can use a legacy method where it will determine peak and average values, or an advanced mode which will calculated several additional statistical values in addition to peak and average. Using All Statistical Metrics can place additional CPU and IO load on the system.
Peak/Average Only
All Statistical Metrics 明確統計
Calculate Peaks Stats in Addition to Average Stats
This option will double the data collection time. If will use the MAX consolidation function and calculate statistics from the max values in each of the respective time ranges.
Number of DSStats Processes Boost進程數
The number of concurrent DSStats processes to use to use to process all of the Data Sources. 用於處理boost表中所有RRD的並發boost進程數。
Daily Update Frequency 每日更新頻率
How frequent should Daily Stats be updated? Daily Stats應該多久更新一次?
Hourly Average Window 每小時平均窗口
The number of consecutive hours that represent the hourly average. Keep in mind that a setting too high can result in very large memory tables 表示每小時平均值的連續小時數。請記住,設置太高會導致內存表非常大
Maintenance Time 維護時間
What time of day should Weekly, Monthly, and Yearly Data be updated? Format is HH:MM [am/pm] 什麼時候應該更新每週,每月和每年的數據?格式為HH:MM [am / pm]
Memory Limit for Data Source Statistics Data Collector 數據源統計數據收集器的內存限制
The maximum amount of memory for the Cacti Poller and Data Source Statistics Poller Cacti Poller和數據源統計輪詢器的最大內存量
Data Source Retention Settings 數據存儲設置
Save Historical Data in Database Tables
Check this setting in order to keep a table for each day, week, month, and year data. The times that these tables will be created will be based upon the following formula: Daily - One partition per day, Weekly - One Partition per Week, Monthly - One partition per Month, Yearly - One Partition per Year. All tables will have the following suffixes by type Daily: YYYYDDD, Weekly: YYYYWW, Monthly: YYYYMM, and Yearly: YYYY suffixes.


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 3010