
English Chinese (Traditional)
When creating a new report, what image type should be used for the inline graphs. 創建新報表時,應使用內嵌圖形的圖像類型。
Maximum E-Mail Size 最大電子郵件大小
The maximum size of the E-Mail message including all attachments. 電子郵件消息的最大大小,包括所有附件。
Poller Logging Level for Cacti Reporting 仙人掌報告的輪詢記錄水平
What level of detail do you want sent to the log file. WARNING: Leaving in any other status than NONE or LOW can exhaust your disk space rapidly. 您希望將哪些詳細信息發送到日誌文件。警告:處於NONE或LOW以外的任何其他狀態可能會迅速耗盡磁盤空間。
Enable Lotus Notes (R) tweak 啟用Lotus Notes(R)調整
Enable code tweak for specific handling of Lotus Notes Mail Clients. 為特定處理Lotus Notes郵件客戶端啟用代碼調整。
DNS Options DNS選項
Primary DNS IP Address 主DNS IP地址
Enter the primary DNS IP Address to utilize for reverse lookups. 輸入主DNS IP地址以用於反向查找。
Secondary DNS IP Address 輔助DNS IP地址
Enter the secondary DNS IP Address to utilize for reverse lookups. 輸入用於反向查找的輔助DNS IP地址。
DNS Timeout DNS超時
Please enter the DNS timeout in milliseconds. Cacti uses a PHP based DNS resolver. 請輸入DNS超時(以毫秒為單位)。 Cacti使用基於PHP的DNS解析器。
Internet Proxy Settings 一般設定
Internet Proxy Address 輸入站點地址
For either core Cacti Services or Plugins that require internet access, enter the proxy server and port here in the following format IP:PORT. For example
Internet Proxy User
If your Internet Proxy requires a username, enter it here.
Internet Proxy Password
If your Internet Proxy requires a password, enter it here.
On-demand RRD Update Settings 按需RRD更新設置
Enable On-demand RRD Updating 啟用按需RRD更新
Should Boost enable on demand RRD updating in Cacti? If you disable, this change will not take affect until after the next polling cycle. When you have Remote Data Collectors, this settings is required to be on. 是否應該在Cacti中按需啟用RRD更新?如果禁用,則此更改將在下一個輪詢週期之後生效。如果您有遠程數據收集器,則需要啟用此設置。
System Level RRD Updater 系統級RRD更新程序
Before RRD On-demand Update Can be Cleared, a poller run must always pass 在RRD按需更新可以清除之前,必須始終通過輪詢器運行
How Often Should Boost Update All RRDs 應該多久促進更新所有RRD
When you enable boost, your RRD files are only updated when they are requested by a user, or when this time period elapses. 啟用boost時,RRD文件僅在用戶請求時或此時間段過後才會更新。
Number of Boost Processes Boost進程數
The number of concurrent boost processes to use to use to process all of the RRDs in the boost table. 用於處理boost表中所有RRD的並發boost進程數。
Maximum Records 最大記錄


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English Chinese (Traditional)
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String information

Source string location
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2970