
English Chinese (Traditional)
Click 'Continue' to Enable the following Devices. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下設備。
Enable Device 啟用設備
Enable Devices 啟用設備
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following Device. 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下設備。
Click 'Continue' to Disable the following Devices. 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下設備。
Disable Device 禁用設備
Disable Devices 禁用設備
Click 'Continue' to Change settings for the following Device. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備。
Click 'Continue' to Change settings for the following Devices. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備。
Change Devices 更改設備
Click 'Continue' to Clear Statistics the following Device. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備。
Click 'Continue' to Clear Statistics the following Devices. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備。
Clear Statistics for Device 清除設備統計信息
Clear Statistics for Devices 清除設備統計信息
Click 'Continue' to Synchronize Device to its Device Template. 單擊“繼續”以將以下設備同步到其設備模板。
Click 'Continue' to Synchronize Devices to their Device Templates. 單擊“繼續”以將以下設備同步到其設備模板。
Synchronize Device Template 同步到設備模板
Synchronize Devices Templates 同步到設備模板
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Device on a Report. 單擊“繼續”以禁用以下報告。
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Devices on a Report. 單擊“繼續”以啟用以下設備。
Place Devices on Report 將設備放在樹上
Click 'Continue' to Place the following Device on Tree %s. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下設備模板。
Click 'Continue' to Duplicate following Devices on Tree %s. 單擊“繼續”以刪除以下樹。
Place Device on Tree 將設備放在樹上
Place Devices on Tree 將設備放在樹上
Device [new] 設備[新]
Device [edit: %s] 設備[編輯:%s]
Disable Device Debug 禁用設備調試
Enable Device Debug 啟用設備調試
Repopulate Poller Cache 重建輪詢器緩存
View Poller Cache 查看輪詢器緩存


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 1395