The translation has come to an end.


English Chinese (Traditional)
Title Font File 標題字體文件
The font file to use for Graph Titles 用於圖表標題的字體文件
Legend Font File 圖例字體文件
The font file to be used for Graph Legend items 用於圖例圖例項目的字體文件
Axis Font File 軸字體文件
The font file to be used for Graph Axis items 用於Graph Axis項的字體文件
Unit Font File 單位字體文件
The font file to be used for Graph Unit items 用於圖表單元項的字體文件
Realtime View Mode 實時查看模式
How do you wish to view Realtime Graphs? 您如何查看實時圖表?
Inline 內嵌
New Window 新視窗
System Setting 使用者設定
1 Week 1周
Auto Log Out Time 自動註銷
For users with Console access only, how long this user can stay logged in before being automatically logged out. Note that if you have not been active in more than an hour, you may have to refresh your browser. Also note that this setting has no affect when Authentication Cookies are enabled. 對於僅具有控制台訪問權限的用戶,此用戶在自動註銷之前可以保持登錄狀態的時間。請注意,如果您已經超過一個小時沒有活動,則可能需要刷新瀏覽器。另請注意,此設置在啟用身份驗證 Cookie 時沒有影響。
You are now logged into <a href="%s"><b>Cacti</b></a>. You can follow these basic steps to get started. 您現在已登錄<a href="%s"><b>Cacti</b></a> 。您可以按照這些基本步驟開始使用。
<a href="%s">Create devices</a> for network 為網絡<a href="%s">創建設備</a>
<a href="%s">Create graphs</a> for your new devices 為您的新設備<a href="%s">創建圖表</a>
<a href="%s">View</a> your new graphs <a href="%s">查看</a>新圖表
Offline 離線
Online 線上
Recovery 復原
Remote Data Collector Status: 遠程數據收集器狀態:
Number of Offline Records: 離線記錄數:
<strong>NOTE:</strong> You are logged into a Remote Data Collector. When <b>'online'</b>, you will be able to view and control much of the Main Cacti Web Site just as if you were logged into it. Also, it's important to note that Remote Data Collectors are required to use the Cacti's Performance Boosting Services <b>'On Demand Updating'</b> feature, and we always recommend using Spine. When the Remote Data Collector is <b>'offline'</b>, the Remote Data Collectors Web Site will contain much less information. However, it will cache all updates until the Main Cacti Database and Web Server are reachable. Then it will dump it's Boost table output back to the Main Cacti Database for updating. <strong>注意:</strong>您已登錄到遠程數據收集器。當<b>“在線”時</b> ,您將能夠查看和控制主要仙人掌網站的大部分內容,就像您已登錄它一樣。此外,重要的是要注意遠程數據收集器需要使用Cacti的性能提升服務<b>“按需更新”</b>功能,我們始終建議使用Spine。當遠程數據收集器<b>處於“脫機”狀態時</b> ,遠程數據收集器網站將包含更少的信息。但是,它將緩存所有更新,直到可以訪問主仙人掌數據庫和Web服務器。然後它會將它的Boost表輸出轉儲回Main Cacti數據庫進行更新。
<strong>NOTE:</strong> None of the Core Cacti Plugins, to date, have been re-designed to work with Remote Data Collectors. Therefore, Plugins such as MacTrack, and HMIB, which require direct access to devices will not work with Remote Data Collectors at this time. However, plugins such as Thold will work so long as the Remote Data Collector is in <b>'online'</b> mode. <strong>注意:</strong>到目前為止,Core Cacti插件均未經過重新設計,無法與遠程數據收集器配合使用。因此,需要直接訪問設備的插件(如MacTrack和HMIB)目前無法與遠程數據收集器配合使用。但是,只要遠程數據收集器處於<b>“在線”</b>模式,Thold等插件就能正常工作。
Path for %s %s的路徑
New Poller 新的Poller
Cacti Install Help 主動/安裝
Cacti Server v%s - Maintenance Cacti Server v%s - 維護
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 3192