
English Chinese (Traditional)
Any named color should be read only. 任何命名顏色都應該是只讀的。
Enter a meaningful name for this data input method. 為此數據輸入方法輸入有意義的名稱。
Input Type 輸入類型
Choose the method you wish to use to collect data for this Data Input method. 選擇您希望用於收集此數據輸入方法的數據的方法。
Input String 輸入字符串
The data that is sent to the script, which includes the complete path to the script and input sources in <> brackets. 發送到腳本的數據,包括腳本的完整路徑和<>括號中的輸入源。
White List Check 白名單檢查
The result of the Whitespace verification check for the specific Input Method. If the Input String changes, and the Whitelist file is not update, Graphs will not be allowed to be created. 對特定輸入法進行空白驗證檢查的結果。如果輸入字符串更改,並且白名單文件未更新,則不允許創建圖形。
Field [%s] 字段[%s]
Choose the associated field from the %s field. 從%s字段中選擇關聯字段。
Enter a name for this %s field. Note: If using name value pairs in your script, for example: NAME:VALUE, it is important that the name match your output field name identically to the script output name or names. 輸入此%s字段的名稱。注意:如果在腳本中使用名稱值對,例如:NAME:VALUE,則重要的是名稱與輸出字段名稱匹配,與腳本輸出名稱相同。
Update RRDfile 更新RRD文件
Whether data from this output field is to be entered into the RRDfile. 是否要將此輸出字段中的數據輸入RRD文件。
Regular Expression Match 正則表達式匹配
If you want to require a certain regular expression to be matched against input data, enter it here (preg_match format). 如果要將某個正則表達式與輸入數據進行匹配,請在此處輸入(preg_match格式)。
Allow Empty Input 允許空輸入
Check here if you want to allow NULL input in this field from the user. 如果要在用戶的此字段中允許NULL輸入,請在此處進行檢查。
Special Type Code 特殊類型代碼
If this field should be treated specially by host templates, indicate so here. Valid keywords for this field are %s 如果此字段應由主機模板專門處理,請在此處指明。此字段的有效關鍵字為%s
The name given to this data template. 為此數據模板指定的名稱。
Choose a name for this data source. It can include replacement variables such as |host_description| or |query_fieldName|. For a complete list of supported replacement tags, please see the Cacti documentation. 選擇此數據源的名稱。它可以包含替換變量,例如| host_description |或| query_fieldName |。有關支持的替換標籤的完整列表,請參閱Cacti文檔。
Data Source Path 數據源路徑
The full path to the RRDfile. RRD文件的完整路徑。
The script/source used to gather data for this data source. 用於收集此數據源的數據的腳本/源。
Select the Data Source Profile. The Data Source Profile controls polling interval, the data aggregation, and retention policy for the resulting Data Sources. 選擇數據源配置文件。數據源配置文件控制生成的數據源的輪詢間隔,數據聚合和保留策略。
The amount of time in seconds between expected updates. 預期更新之間的時間量(以秒為單位)。
Data Source Active 數據源有效
Whether Cacti should gather data for this data source or not. Cacti是否應該收集此數據源的數據。
Internal Data Source Name 內部數據源名稱
Choose unique name to represent this piece of data inside of the RRDfile. 選擇唯一名稱來表示RRDfile中的這段數據。
Minimum Value ("U" for No Minimum) 最小值(“最小值”為“U”)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2095