
English Chinese (Traditional)
Main / Remote Status
The Status of this available Plugin. Loadable means it is currently not installed and can be loaded.
The author of this Plugin. 這個插件的作者。
The Cacti version ranges required to use this Plugin. 這個插件的版本。
Installed Version 已安裝
The version of this Plugin. 這個插件的版本。
The compressed size of this Plugin in bytes. 這個插件的版本。
Requires 版本要求
This Plugin requires the following Plugins be installed first. 此插件需要首先安裝以下插件。
Archive Date 檔案
The date that this Plugin was Archived. 調試啟動的日期。
Installed/Upgraded 安裝/升級
The date that this Plugin was last Installed or Upgraded. 上次編輯此樹的日期。
Actions available include 'Install', 'Activate', 'Disable', 'Enable', 'Uninstall'. 可用的操作包括“安裝”,“激活”,“禁用”,“啟用”,“卸載”。
The status of this Plugin. 這個插件的狀態。
Cacti Releases 仙人掌報告
The Cacti Releases that are eligible to use this Plugin. The format of the allowed versions follows common naming.
The currently installed version of this Plugin. 這個插件的版本。
The Available version for install for this Plugin. 這個插件的版本。
Last Published 已發佈
The date the release was published or develop was last pushed. 上次編輯此樹的日期。
The date that this Plugin was last installed or upgraded. 上次編輯此樹的日期。
Plugin Requires 版本要求
Load Order 加載訂單
The load order of the Plugin. You can change the load order by first sorting by it, then moving a Plugin either up or down. 插件的加載順序。您可以通過先對其進行排序,然後向上或向下移動插件來更改加載順序。
No Plugins Found 找不到插件
Not Compatible, '%s' 不兼容,%s
Plugin Error 插件錯誤
New Version SNMP版本
Order Before Previous Plugin 在上一個插件之前訂購
Order After Next Plugin 下一個插件後的訂單


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 4656