
English Chinese (Traditional)
Required Tool Paths 必需的工具路徑
snmpwalk Binary Path snmpwalk二進制路徑
The path to your snmpwalk binary. snmpwalk二進製文件的路徑。
snmpget Binary Path snmpget二進制路徑
The path to your snmpget binary. snmpget二進製文件的路徑。
snmpbulkwalk Binary Path snmpbulkwalk二進制路徑
The path to your snmpbulkwalk binary. 你的snmpbulkwalk二進製文件的路徑。
snmpgetnext Binary Path snmpgetnext二進制路徑
The path to your snmpgetnext binary. snmpgetnext二進製文件的路徑。
snmptrap Binary Path snmptrap二進制路徑
The path to your snmptrap binary. snmptrap二進製文件的路徑。
RRDtool Binary Path RRDtool二進制路徑
The path to the rrdtool binary. rrdtool二進製文件的路徑。
PHP Binary Path PHP二進制路徑
The path to your PHP binary file (may require a php recompile to get this file). PHP二進製文件的路徑(可能需要php重新編譯才能獲取此文件)。
FPing Binary Path PHP二進制路徑
The path to the FPing binary file which provides for a more precise ping command.
Cacti Log Path 仙人掌日誌路徑
The path to your Cacti log file (if blank, defaults to <path_cacti>/log/cacti.log) Cacti日誌文件的路徑(如果為空,則默認為<path_cacti> /log/cacti.log)
Poller Standard Error Log Path 輪詢器標準錯誤日誌路徑
If you are having issues with Cacti's Data Collectors, set this file path and the Data Collectors standard error will be redirected to this file 如果您遇到Cacti數據收集器的問題,請設置此文件路徑,並將Data Collector標準錯誤重定向到此文件
Boost Debug Log 提升調試日誌
This is the Log file where Boost will write its information to. It much be located in the same directory as the Cacti Log file.
Alternate Poller Path 替代輪詢路徑
Spine Binary File Location 脊椎二進製文件位置
The path to Spine binary. Spine二進制的路徑。
Spine Config File Path 脊椎配置文件路徑
The path to Spine configuration file. By default, in the cwd of Spine, or /etc if not specified. Spine配置文件的路徑。默認情況下,在Spine的cwd中,如果未指定,則為/ etc。
RRDfile Auto Clean RRDfile自動清理
Automatically archive or delete RRDfiles when their corresponding Data Sources are removed from Cacti 當從Cacti中刪除相應的數據源時,自動存檔或刪除RRD文件
RRDfile Auto Clean Method RRDfile自動清理方法


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
a year ago
Source string age
a year ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2480