
English Chinese (Traditional)
Auto Padding 自動填充
Pad text so that legend and graph data always line up. Note: this could cause graphs to take longer to render because of the larger overhead. Also Auto Padding may not be accurate on all types of graphs, consistent labeling usually helps. 填充文本,以便圖例和圖形數據始終排列。注意:由於開銷較大,這可能會導致圖形渲染時間更長。此外,自動填充在所有類型的圖表上可能都不准確,一致的標籤通常會有所幫助。
Dynamic Labels (--dynamic-labels) 動態標籤( - 動態標籤)
Draw line markers as a line. 將線標記繪製為一條線。
Force Rules Legend (--force-rules-legend) 強制規則圖例(--force-rules-legend)
Force the generation of HRULE and VRULE legends. 強制生成HRULE和VRULE圖例。
Tab Width (--tabwidth <pixels>) 標籤寬度( - tabwidth <pixels>)
By default the tab-width is 40 pixels, use this option to change it. 默認情況下,標籤寬度為40像素,使用此選項進行更改。
Legend Position (--legend-position=<position>) 圖例位置(--legend-position = <position>)
Place the legend at the given side of the graph. 將圖例放在圖表的給定側。
Legend Direction (--legend-direction=<direction>) 圖例方向(--legend-direction = <direction>)
Place the legend items in the given vertical order. 將圖例項目放在給定的垂直順序中。
Graph Item Type 圖表項目類型
How data for this item is represented visually on the graph. 如何在圖表上以可視方式顯示此項目的數據。
The data source to use for this graph item. 用於此圖形項的數據源。
Primary Color 主要管理員
The color to use for the canvas item and legend. 用於圖例的顏色。
Primary Opacity 主要管理員
The opacity of the primary color. 顏色的不透明度/ alpha通道。
Gradient Color 命名顏色
The gradient color to use for the canvas item. 用於此圖形項的數據源。
Gradient Opacity
The opacity of the gradient color. 顏色的不透明度/ alpha通道。
Gradient Height 圖形高度
The Gradient Height parameter can create three different behaviors. If it is > 0, then the gradient is a fixed height, starting at the line going down. If it is < 0, then the gradient starts at a fixed height above the x-axis, going down to the x-axis. If it is == 0, then the gradient goes from the top of the area fill to x-axis.
Consolidation Function 合併功能
How data for this item is represented statistically on the graph. 如何在圖表上統計表示此項目的數據。
CDEF Function CDEF功能
A CDEF (math) function to apply to this item on the graph or legend. CDEF(數學)函數,適用於圖形或圖例上的此項目。
VDEF Function VDEF功能
A VDEF (math) function to apply to this item on the graph legend. VDEF(數學)函數,適用於圖表圖例上的此項目。


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English Chinese (Traditional)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
include/global_form.php:1002 lib/html.php:1429
String age
3 months ago
Source string age
3 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-TW.po, string 2254