
English Chinese (Simplified)
Color Hex: 颜色十六进制:
Remove Color Item 删除颜色项目
Color Template Items [edit Report Item: %s] 颜色模板项目[编辑报告项目: %s]
Color Template Items [new Report Item: %s] 颜色模板项目[新建报告项目: %s]
Color Template Items [new] 颜色模板项目[新建]
Color Template Items [edit: %s] 颜色模板项目 [编辑: %s]
Delete Color Item 删除颜色项目
Color Template [edit: %s] 颜色模板 [编辑: %s]
Color Template [new] 颜色模板[新建]
Color Template '%s' had %d Aggregate Templates pushed out and %d Non-Templated Aggregates pushed out 颜色模板"%s"已推出%d个聚合模板,推出%d个非模板聚合
Color Template '%s' had no Aggregate Templates or Graphs using this Color Template. 颜色模板'%s'没有使用此颜色模板的聚合模板或图形。
Color Templates 颜色模板
Color Templates that are in use cannot be Deleted. In use is defined as being referenced by an Aggregate Template. 正在被聚合模板引用的颜色模板不能被删除.
No Color Templates Found 未找到颜色模板
Run Check 运行检查
Delete Check 删除检查
Data Source debug started. 数据源调试.
Data Source debug received an invalid Data Source ID. 数据源调试收到无效的数据源ID。
All RRDfile repairs succeeded. 所有RRDfile修复成功。
One or more RRDfile repairs failed. See Cacti log for errors. 一个或多个RRDfile修复失败。有关错误,请参阅仙人掌日志。
Automatic Data Source debug being rerun after repair. 修复后重新运行自动数据源调试。
Data Source repair received an invalid Data Source ID. 数据源修复收到无效的数据源ID。
Data Source 数据源
The Data Source to Debug 要调试的数据源
User User
The User who requested the Debug. 请求调试的用户.
Started 已开始
The Date that the Debug was Started. 调试启动的日期.
The Data Source internal ID. 数据源内部ID.
The Status of the Data Source Debug Check. 数据源调试检查的状态.
Writable 可写
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 767