
Context English Chinese (Simplified)
User Login History 用户登录历史
Deleted/Invalid 已删除/无效
Result 结果
Success - Password 成功 - Pswd
Success - Token 成功 - 令牌
Success - Password Change 成功 - Pswd
Attempts 尝试
Button: use filter settings Go 运行
Button: reset filter settings Clear 清除
Button: delete all table entries Purge 清空
User Logins 用户登录
IP Address IP 地址
(User Removed) 用户已删除
Click 'Continue' to purge the User Log.<br><br><br>Note: If logging is set to both Cacti and Syslog, the log information will remain in Syslog. 单击 '继续' 以清空日志文件.<br> <br> <br>注意: 如果将日志记录设置为Cacti 和Syslog,则日志信息将保留在Syslog 中.
The Poller Cache Rebuild Operation has been started in background
The Poller Cache Rebuild Operation has already been started.
Data Source Statistics Purged. 数据来源统计清除.
Display Order 显示顺序
Log [Total Lines: %d - Non-Matching Items Hidden] 日志[总行数: %d - 隐藏的不匹配项目]
Log [Total Lines: %d - All Items Shown] 日志[总行数: %d - 显示的所有项目]
Clear Cacti Log 清除Cacti 日志
Cacti Log Cleared Cacti 日志已清除
Error: Unable to clear log, no write permissions. Error: 无法清除日志,没有写入权限.
Error: Unable to clear log, file does not exist. Error: 无法清除日志,文件不存在.
Data Query Cache Items 数据查询缓存项目
Query Name 查询名称
Allow the search term to include the index column 允许搜索字词包含索引列
Include Index 包含索引
Field Value 字段值
Index 索引
Poller Cache Items poller 缓存项目


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 weeks ago
Source string age
2 weeks ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 5390