
English Chinese (Simplified)
Data Source Type 数据源类型
How data is represented in the RRA. 数据如何在RRA中表现出来.
The maximum amount of time that can pass before data is entered as 'unknown'. (Usually 2x300=600) 数据输入之前可以通过的最大时间量为 '未知'. (通常是 2×300=600)
Not Selected 未选择
When data is gathered, the data for this field will be put into this data source. 当收集数据时,该字段的数据将被放入该数据源.
Enter a name for this GPRINT preset, make sure it is something you recognize. 为此GPRINT 预设输入一个名称,确保它是您认可的.
Enter the custom GPRINT string here. 输入自定义GPRINT字符串.
Common Options 通用选项
Title (--title) 标题 (--title)
The name that is printed on the graph. It can include replacement variables such as |host_description| or |query_fieldName|. For a complete list of supported replacement tags, please see the Cacti documentation. 图形上打印的名称. 它可以包含替换变量,如| host_description | 或| query_fieldName |. 有关支持的替换标签的完整列表,请参阅Cacti文档.
Vertical Label (--vertical-label) 垂直标签 (--vertical-label)
The label vertically printed to the left of the graph. 标签垂直打印在图形的左侧.
Image Format (--imgformat) 图像格式(--imgformat)
The type of graph that is generated; PNG, GIF or SVG. The selection of graph image type is very RRDtool dependent. 生成的图形的类型; PNG,GIF 或SVG. 图形图像类型的选择非常依赖于RRDtool.
Height (--height) 高度 (--height)
The height (in pixels) of the graph area within the graph. This area does not include the legend, axis legends, or title. 图形内图形区域的高度(以像素为单位). 该区域不包括图例,轴的图例或标题.
Width (--width) 宽度 (--width)
The width (in pixels) of the graph area within the graph. This area does not include the legend, axis legends, or title. 图形内图形区域的宽度(以像素为单位). 该区域不包括图例,轴的图例或标题.
Base Value (--base) 基础值 (--base)
Should be set to 1024 for memory and 1000 for traffic measurements. 内存应该设置为1024,流量测量应该设置为1000.
Slope Mode (--slope-mode) 斜坡模式 (--slope-mode)
Using Slope Mode evens out the shape of the graphs at the expense of some on screen resolution. 使用斜率模式以牺牲某些屏幕分辨率为代价来消除图形的形状.
Scaling Options 缩放选项
Auto Scale 自动缩放
Auto scale the y-axis instead of defining an upper and lower limit. Note: if this is check both the Upper and Lower limit will be ignored. 自动缩放y轴而不是定义上限和下限. 注意: 如果这是检查,上限和下限都将被忽略.
Auto Scale Options 自动缩放选项
Use <br> --alt-autoscale to scale to the absolute minimum and maximum <br> --alt-autoscale-max to scale to the maximum value, using a given lower limit <br> --alt-autoscale-min to scale to the minimum value, using a given upper limit <br> --alt-autoscale (with limits) to scale using both lower and upper limits (RRDtool default) <br> 使用<br> --alt-autoscale缩放到绝对最小值和最大值<br> --alt-autoscale-max使用给定的下限值缩放到最大值<br> --alt-autoscale-min to 缩放至最小值,使用给定上限<br> <br> - 自动缩放(带有限制)使用下限和上限进行缩放(RRDtool默认值)<br>
Use --alt-autoscale (ignoring given limits) 使用--alt-autoscale(忽略给定的限制)
Use --alt-autoscale-max (accepting a lower limit) 使用--alt-autoscale-max(接受一个下限)
Use --alt-autoscale-min (accepting an upper limit) 使用--alt-autoscale-min(接受上限)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Translated Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

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English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
2 years ago
Source string age
2 years ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 2129