
English Chinese (Simplified)
Remaining Data Sources: 删除数据源:
TBD 待定
Queued Boost Records: 等待Boost 记录:
Approximate in Process: 过程中的大约:
Total Boost Records: Boost 总记录:
Boost Storage Statistics Boost 存储统计
Database Engine: 数据库引擎:
Current Boost Table(s) Size: 目前Boost 表的大小:
Avg Bytes/Record: 平均字节/记录:
%d Bytes %d Bytes
Max Record Length: 最大记录长度:
Max Allowed Boost Table Size: Boost 表的最大大小:
Estimated Maximum Records: 预计最大记录数:
Previous Runtime Statistics 运行时统计
Last Start Time: 上次开始时间:
Last End Time: 上次开始时间:
Never Run 从没有运行
Last Run Duration: 上次运行时间:
%d minutes %d分钟
%d seconds %d秒
%0.2f percent of update frequency) %0.2f 更新频率的)
RRD Updates: RRD 更新:
MBytes 兆字节
Peak Poller Memory: 峰值轮询内存:
Max Poller Memory Allowed: poller 允许使用的的最大内存:
Detailed Runtime Statistics 运行时统计
Records: %s (ds rows), Time: %s (secs), GetRows: %s (secs), ResultsCycle: %s (secs), FileAndTemplate: %s (secs), LastUpdate: %s (secs), RRDUpdate: %s (secs), Delete: %s (secs)
Previous Runtime Timers: 详细的运行时间定时器:
Process: %d 进程:%d
Status: <span class="deviceUp"><b>Running</b></span>, Remaining: %s (dses), CurrentRuntime: %s (secs), PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Status: <span class="deviceRecovering"><b>Idle</b></span>, PrevRuntime: %s (secs), PrevProcessed: %10s (ds rows)
Component Translation Difference to current string
This translation Propagated Needs editing Cacti/core
The following string has the same context and source.
Propagated Translated Cacti/core (v1.2.x)


No matching activity found.

Browse all component changes


English Chinese (Simplified)
No related strings found in the glossary.

String information

Source string location
String age
10 months ago
Source string age
10 months ago
Translation file
locales/po/zh-CN.po, string 4981